Friday, November 4, 2011

Network Marketing and the Businessman/woman

By Richard J. Norris

One of the great untapped audiences that many network marketers ignore, when it comes to introducing others to their business opportunity, are existing business owners or those in high positions within a company.  Instead of giving a professional business presentation to someone who would actually understand the power of the industry, when presented in a reasoned manner, most new network marketers are busy chasing Cousin Lenny the grocery store shelf stocker and Aunt Sally, who has a part-time job at Wal-Mart.  Don't get me wrong, both could become successful network marketers, but not without a serious commitment to do so and some serious dedication to training.  The businessman, on the other hand, is very well poised to be successful from the early going.

Why Businessmen/women

Those who are already successful in a business environment already possess the skills and knowledge sets required to be able to look at a business opportunity and evaluate it on its merits.  If they are approached in a professional manner and presented with information in a similar professional manner, they will look at your business and give it a fair appraisal.  Even if they don't see it as an opportunity that is right for them, it's very likely that they may have business acquaintances that they feel might be a good fit and will refer them.  Presenting to successful business people can bring quality individuals into your network marketing team and will grow your business with like quality.

Fewer Objections

One of the things you won't have to worry about from business people that you typically hear from many others that you present your opportunity to is the objections over any of the costs associated with network marketing.  Business owners and those high up in companies are familiar with business costs in the thousands and even millions.  If they see your opportunity as attractive, they will find the cost of getting started and the monthly overhead costs associated with autoship and marketing a real bargain, versus the potential for residual income.

Making the Pitch

This is a presentation that needs to be professional and personal.  While it's ok to use prepared presentations from your company, team or upline, you need to be familiar enough with whatever you show your prospect that you can answer their questions on the spot.  Most of the business people you will show your opportunity to are short on time and will make decisions quickly.  Your window of opportunity will be much smaller than with most of the people you encounter on your way to building your network marketing business.  Be prepared.  A lunch presentation (you pay) may be a great way to go.  That keeps your time together to a very specific amount and forces you to have your presentation well planned.


Don't shy away from one of the best sources for building your network marketing business, by ignoring successful business people.  They are smart and will understand the opportunity you are presenting them with if you have put together an intelligent presentation and approach them in a businesslike manner.  Business people are always on the lookout for a good opportunity to add a stream of income, especially one that is residual in nature.  Learn how to tap into this market and you are well on your way to network marketing success.

Note from Richard and GlennaIf you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

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