By Richard J. Norris
Many people who look at network marketing as a business are convinced that they need to be able to recruit hundreds of people into their downline in order to make "walk away from your job" money. When in truth, that really isn't the case. Now, don't get me wrong, if you are one of those who can recruit hundreds, you will obviously do well and be a real star in your company, but you can get there with far fewer as well.
Many people who look at network marketing as a business are convinced that they need to be able to recruit hundreds of people into their downline in order to make "walk away from your job" money. When in truth, that really isn't the case. Now, don't get me wrong, if you are one of those who can recruit hundreds, you will obviously do well and be a real star in your company, but you can get there with far fewer as well.
Depending on how your company's compensation plan is set up, it may take as few as 2 personally recruited people to really get your business off to a flying start, though I'd suggest you set your sights a little higher and have a goal to get 5 people into your business that you have personally sponsored, and then work on training them to get their 5 people as quickly as possible. If you are successful in attracting just 5 people and training them to do the same, your business will expand at an amazing rate, as you see the duplication of your efforts take place in those you brought in. Then you are free to look for your next 5 sponsorships.
Many who come into the industry of network marketing get caught up in the products, and yes, having good products are vital and I wouldn't join an opportunity that didn't have quality, consumable products. But, it's the business opportunity that's going to create the kind of income that you joined for. So, you're looking for people just like you. Along the way you'll find people who aren't right for the business, but love the products, and you can add them as customers, but don't take your eye off the ball and forget that your primary targets are people who want the same financial freedom you are looking for.
Sometimes You Have to Say "NO"
The faster you find people who want to join your business, the faster you begin to make money, but there are some people you need to say no to, even though they say they want to join. Not everyone is right for this industry, and the faster you learn how to identify them, the better. I never "convince" anyone to join my business opportunity, and you shouldn't either. If you have to "convince" them to join, you'll find yourself pouring time into "convincing" them to actually get started building their business, when you could be working with those that are serious. Look for someone who is eager to get started, can't wait to get their first sign-up into their business, are going to call you often with serious questions on how to build their business and will be bringing legitimate prospects to you for three-way calls when needed. Think of yourself as the "Marines of Network Marketing". You're looking for a few good men and women!
Many times you hear network marketing referred to as "a numbers game", but the reality is that the numbers needed to build a successful business aren't that large, if you concentrate on finding those that truly want to replicate what you teach them. Now, I don't suggest you find 5 good people and then stop recruiting, though you could if they are following your lead. Once you see the kind of growth that can come from the efforts of just a few quality representatives being added to your business, you'll want to find even more.
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
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