By Richard J. Norris
Becoming a distributor in a network marketing opportunity is a relatively simple procedure. Research companies that offer products you have an interest in, compare the compensation plans the companies are offering, find a sponsor you feel a solid relationship with, select the sign-up package that you want to enter with and you're in business. Let's take a look at each of these items a little closer, so you get the full picture on how to get started in network marketing with the best chance for success.
It's difficult to build any business if you're not passionate about what you're selling, and network marketing is no different. Select a company that reflects your interests and produces a quality product that you feel good representing. The product should have the following characteristics:
Consumable: To build a residual monthly income you need a product that is used on a regular basis, such as vitamins, a phone plan, membership, etc. Each time a customer reorders you will receive a commission. If you're the best bowling ball salesman in the world you might make good money with each sale, but you're chances of making money off that customer again isn't really high. You want to base your home business on consumable products.
Distribution: Look for an opportunity that will allow your customers to order directly from the company and you get credit for the sale, without the need to handle, store or deliver the products personally. This means no "up-front" money is needed from you to buy products and then resell them, a huge advantage over many of the network marketing plans from a few years back, where you were expected to move product personally.
Compensation plans come in various forms, and there's not enough room here to discuss them all with any kind of justice. You should look for a plan that will allow you, and those you sponsor, to begin making money, or at least covering the cost of your required monthly auto-shipment, as quickly as possible. Once someone you sponsor has enough business coming in to cover these expenses, the more likely they are to stay in and find success.
Even after you have settled on a network marketing opportunity, there is nothing wrong with shopping around for the right sponsor within that specific company. Find a sponsor you feel a connection with and one who will commit to mentoring you through the process of building a business from home. Very few of us come into the industry with the skill set needed to be immediately successful without training and support. A dedicated sponsor is the best asset you can have to get your business off on the right foot.
Most companies will offer a variety of ways to get started in the business, usually at least three, and which one you start with will be dictated by your own personal finances at the time. Typically you will see a lower end package, around $250, a middle package at approximately $750 and then an elite package of $1,000 or more. The packages will vary on the amount of products included, business building tools, etc. All three will get your business started, and I would suggest you start with the smaller one rather than not get started at all, but there are compelling reasons for selecting one of the larger packages if at all possible, beyond the extra items that each come with. One of the commissions you will receive will be the volume included in a start-up package when you sponsor someone into the business, and they will typically ask the same question every time before signing up, "Which package did you come in with?" You're sign-ups will very likely mirror the way you came into the business, so select your entry package with that in mind.
Those are the basic steps you will need to go through to become a distributor in a network marketing opportunity. Do your homework on each of these steps and you will be positioning yourself on the best possible path for success in building a residual income from home and freeing you to enjoy the lifestyle that it can provide.
Note from Richard and Glenna: If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
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