By Richard J. Norris
Regardless of if you are talking to a person about how the nutritional supplements your company offers can enhance their life, or how the compensation plan is designed to offer them an amazing opportunity to build a sound, residual income, your true product is your ability to solve a problem for them. In fact, regardless of the network marketing company you represent, your true product is people and how you can make some aspect of their life better. Network marketing is a people business, and the sooner you embrace that idea the sooner you will be on your way to building a large organization.
Regardless of if you are talking to a person about how the nutritional supplements your company offers can enhance their life, or how the compensation plan is designed to offer them an amazing opportunity to build a sound, residual income, your true product is your ability to solve a problem for them. In fact, regardless of the network marketing company you represent, your true product is people and how you can make some aspect of their life better. Network marketing is a people business, and the sooner you embrace that idea the sooner you will be on your way to building a large organization.
Network marketing is all about people helping other people address a concern they have in their life. It may be heath related, it may be financial, or it may just be that they want to be able to spend more time with their family on their terms and not those dictated to them by the constraints put on them by a traditional job. Regardless the issues, those truly successful in this industry are the ones who are able to quickly identify why a prospect is looking into your company and then making it their mission to sincerely develop a plan with that person to solve their “why” issue. I talked in another article about the differences between those I see as recruiters and the ones I would classify as sponsors. Recruiters are those that are all about the numbers, trying to bring people in as quickly as possible without much, or any concerns for assisting them once they have joined. Sponsors on the other hand tend to only bring in a few at a time, and then mentor them to build their organization several levels deep, before moving on to sponsor more people. Recruiters tend to have a business that is constantly crumbling behind them as their members become frustrated and quit, causing the need for even more recruiting, while the sponsor enjoys stability in their business because they have taken the time to work with those they brought in and trained them to do the same.
The fact is, you can know your company’s products better than anyone else, be able to explain the compensation plan forwards and backwards, but if you aren’t able to connect with people on a human level and identify why it is they are joining, then help them take steps to make that need a reality, you will fail. The truly great thing about the network marketing industry is that it allows people to work together, achieve financial rewards and address the nagging needs that they see as issues in their life.
If you read this and say, “I’m just not a people person”, then now is the time to address that. There are many outstanding training programs out there that will help you to address your weaknesses, and many are specifically targeted with the network marketer in mind. One that has really connected with me was Magic Colors, by Jerry Clark, which identifies ways in which different personality types can work together, but many other options exist as well. This is a people business, so hone those people skills to their finest point, and even if you don’t know a thing about your company’s consumable products, you’ll succeed when it comes to your true product in network marketing – people.
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.answered.
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