Friday, October 14, 2011

Why Should I Network?

By Richard J. Norris

Networking is nothing more than meeting new people and establishing a relationship. It doesn't matter what business you're in, if you're not networking and building relationships on a regular basis, it's a good bet that you won't be improving your position within your business or in life in general. Nowhere is this truer than in the network marketing industry.

Network marketing is a people generated business. In order to build a large organization within the company you have selected to join, you must be sponsoring new distributors or customers of the product, and that takes establishing trust with them first. People join you first and your opportunity or products second. In order to find one person right for your business you may need to meet and eliminate dozens of others, so constant networking is vital.

If you are looking for business partners for your opportunity, then you need to be frequenting places where those types of people are most likely to be found. The business section of a local bookstore is a great place to meet and strike up a conversation with people who may be receptive to a business proposal, and especially to an indirect approach such as saying to them before moving on, "I'm looking for business minded people who are trainable and open to information about creating an additional stream of income. If you know someone who would like to learn how they can add an additional $2,000 or more per month, working 5-10 hours a week, would you please pass my card along to them?" In this approach you aren't directly assaulting them with every detail about your opportunity, and you are in the business section of the store, so this type of conversation doesn't seem out of place to the person you are talking to. And, they most likely do know someone who could benefit from such information - them. They may start asking questions right then, and dependent on how comfortable you are with explaining your opportunity, you may invite them for coffee and continue the conversation. My best advice though is to play it cool and don't oversell yourself at this point. Sometimes, saying as little as possible can really increase the interest level in someone you just met. Hopefully, you have a business card that can direct them to a well-designed website that can provide them with the next step in your process to walk a prospect through your opportunity and your conversation has provided just enough curiosity in the person you just met to move them forward.


If you're not looking for places to strike up conversations with people that may lead to an introduction of your business opportunity, you're not likely to be moving your organization forward. Having new prospects (leads) to talk to on a regular basis is vital to your business growing. Yes, you can pay for leads, an extremely expensive way to build a business, but it's much more difficult to develop that relationship, needed to make a person want to join you, over the phone then it is face to face. Network, you'll be very glad you added this business building tool to your plan to build a residual income from home.

Note from Richard and Glenna
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

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