Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Fit Network Marketing Into Your Busy Schedule

By Richard J. Norris

"I don't have enough time to do network marketing!" That's one of the objections you may have heard if you've been involved with building a business from home for very long. Or, if you've tried to mentor a person in your downline that just doesn't seem to be getting anything done. We all have the same 24 hours in every day, so it's not that one person has an advantage over another when it comes to the amount of time we have to build a business. How we use that time is an entirely different subject.

If you're truly serious about building a business from home and having a residual income that has the potential to allow you to walk away from your full-time job, you'll make the time to do the things that you must to move your business toward that goal. Let's break down the major areas that should be addressed, on a daily basis, to successfully build a network marketing business, in their order of importance:
  1. Making Initial Contacts: Regardless the source, be they purchased leads, your warm market list, or other source, you need to be making contacts with people you have never spoken to before on a daily basis to keep your pipeline of prospects filled. Set yourself a goal to speak to a certain number of new people each day, perhaps five, and then do what it takes to make that happen. I suggest, if you are not familiar with Tim Sales' "Inviting Formula", covered in his Professional Inviter training tool for making initial contact with a prospect, that you use some of your training time to do so and then utilize it when talking to someone for the first time, regardless of if it's in person or over the phone.
  2. Following Up: If you have utilized the "Inviting Formula" correctly, you will be scheduling follow-up conversations with the prospects you have had conversations with, and those need to be kept on the day and time you agreed on. This is perhaps the area that someone new to network marketing has the biggest issue with. Normally, it's because they are afraid they will say the wrong thing, but if you are truly interested in helping your prospect solve the problem that caused them to seek out a home business, you can stop worrying, you won't. Keep their needs clearly in mind (this is why you need to take notes during initial conversations and review them prior to the follow-up) and you'll be just fine
  3. Contacting and Mentoring Team Members: Once you have sponsored someone into your business you have an obligation to train and support them. This may or may not be an area that takes time on a daily basis, as your team member will require more help in the beginning and then will transition to a point where they can stand on their own. But, it's always good to check in with even your most successful team members occasionally just to let them know you're still in their corner.
  4. Training: Very few come into network marketing with the tools they need to be successful without any guidance. Regardless if it is a call to your sponsor for mentoring, a conference call providing training from your company, or reading or listening to recorded information that will allow you to be more effective, you need to set aside at least one hour each day that is devoted to improving your skills needed to build your business. Yes, you need to familiarize yourself with products and the compensation plan, but it's improving your people skills that will push your business to the limit. Save this for the last thing, once your other items have been addressed.

How much time will these items take each night? As much time as it takes to do them correctly. It will be longer in the beginning as you are learning how to handle each of these items, but you'll soon be able to budget your time accordingly. Just make sure that you are spending your time adequately to include each of these activities on a daily basis and make anything else that comes up take a lower priority. Never stop doing these four to address something else related to your business, make it wait until each of these are completed for the day, then take care of the "house keeping" items as needed. This is a real challenge for those building their business on a part-time basis, while holding down a fulltime job, but managing your time and including these four priorities into your business time on a daily basis is critical to your success.

Note from Richard and Glenna
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

Tim Sales' NEWEST training resource helps you... Say the Right Thing to Every Prospect.

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