By Richard J. Norris
One of the truly great things about network marketing is that prospects for your business are virtually everywhere. However, there are some places where you are more likely to find quality prospects that may already be looking for an opportunity similar to the one you will be presenting them with.
One of the truly great things about network marketing is that prospects for your business are virtually everywhere. However, there are some places where you are more likely to find quality prospects that may already be looking for an opportunity similar to the one you will be presenting them with.
Places to Network:
Let's take a look at some of the specific places where you should concentrate your networking efforts to maximize your results.
- Many cities have specific events that are designed for exactly what you want to accomplish. Typically these are monthly events, sponsored by a local business organization, and are advertised to be "networking" events. These are usually mingle and exchange business card events, and require you to be adept at having a short "elevator pitch" prepared, because you won't get the opportunity for any type of presentation. Remember, network marketing is a people and relationship business and these events are great places to meet new people and begin to develop relationships that can lead to bringing them into your business in the future. These are not places you should be looking for immediate results from, but certainly should be part of your overall prospecting activities. Check your local chamber of commerce to see if such events are available in your area.
- The business section of your local bookstore is a great place to meet qualified people that are right for your opportunity. The fact that they are browsing this section of the store means that they are interested in business opportunities and may be approachable. Perhaps you ask for a recommendation from them to break the ice. Like the "networking meetings" discussed above, this isn't the place for a presentation, but if things go right and the discussion you have is business in general, you'll have an opportunity to say something like, "I'm involved with a business and looking for people who are trainable and open to adding an additional $2,000 or more per month. If you know someone like that, would you mind passing my information along to them?" This is very non-threatening to both you and the person you're chatting with, and don't be surprised if they don't start asking specific questions. Don't get into anything at that point, instead ask them to visit the website you have on your card, which should be a place where they can get the majority of their questions about your opportunity answered.
These are two of my favorite recommendations as to places where you can go to find qualified prospects for your network marketing opportunity. Neither is a place where you can expect immediate results, but they are very effective in initiating relationships that can develop into a long term business association. Remember, in order to successfully build a network of distributors within your business, you have to talk to people. Why not go to places where you would expect to find exactly the right kind of people to introduce your business to, once a relationship of trust has been established.
Note from Richard and Glenna:
Note from Richard and Glenna:
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

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