By Richard J. Norris
Many times someone entering into a network marketing opportunity for the first time will be told to make a list of 100 of their friends and family and start telling them about the company, products and business opportunity. Because that's all the training many people get from their sponsor they often ending up doing a poor job of recruiting from this list and alienate the people they care about most. Network marketing has the potential to dramatically change the lives of those that become involved, so why wouldn't you want to give that opportunity to those closest to you? But, how you approach them is the key to whether they run when they see you coming, or throw their arms around you and thank you.
Many times someone entering into a network marketing opportunity for the first time will be told to make a list of 100 of their friends and family and start telling them about the company, products and business opportunity. Because that's all the training many people get from their sponsor they often ending up doing a poor job of recruiting from this list and alienate the people they care about most. Network marketing has the potential to dramatically change the lives of those that become involved, so why wouldn't you want to give that opportunity to those closest to you? But, how you approach them is the key to whether they run when they see you coming, or throw their arms around you and thank you.
Unfortunately, many new to network marketing are so excited about the business and the products that they just signed up with that they approach friends and family in a completely over the top manner, which I compare to grabbing someone by the collar and shaking them while jumping up and down. It's great that you are passionate about what you're involved with, but the person you're talking about isn't going to be in the same position and may see you as "overselling", because in their eyes nothing can be that good. Remember, you've started a business, so your approach should be professional and businesslike as well. Spewing out facts about your company, product names and information when you first see someone rarely works. They have to have a reason to look at your network marketing opportunity and you being excited just isn't going to be enough.
Even if you know there's someone in your family or circle of friends you would like to introduce the business to, my suggestion would be not to do it the next time you see or talk to them. Instead, listen instead of talk. Listen for cues that in fact your business is right for them. Perhaps they are having issues at work with a boss, they are concerned they won't have enough money for retirement or their kids college, or they just want more time to do the things they want, but don't have time for. Find that reason and now you have a reason to introduce them to your particular opportunity. But, where most people fail is that they want to unload on them the second they hear that "why" come through load and clear. Fight the urge.
Once you've had an initial conversation with a friend or family member and have qualified them, meaning you've identified an issue that you can help them with by introducing them to network marketing, let some time pass (at least a couple of days). Now, contact them and have a conversation similar to this:
YOU: "Hi Bob. Hey, when we saw each other last week, I remember you talking about how concerned you are about having enough money to retire when the time comes. Is that still an issue."
BOB: "Yes it is. I'm just not sure if we'll have enough."
YOU: "Well, I've been involved with a business opportunity for awhile now, and I'm not sure if it would be right for you, but it may just provide you with a way to address those retirement concerns. Would you be interested in learning more?"
BOB: "Can't hurt to take a look."
It takes restraint to talk to a friend or family member and not tell them about your business the first time you see them, but if you take the time to have a real interest in them (this should be a priority with anyone you approach regarding the business) and qualify them by identifying a major issue in their life that can be addressed by owning a network marketing business, then you have the leverage you need to present the business in a professional and businesslike manner and with a genuine concern for helping them better their life in a specific area. They will see your call as an honest effort to help them, given that some time has passed since they confided in you and you won't come off as being only interested in "selling them on your business."
Should you introduce your friends and family to network marketing? Absolutely! But, don't think you have to swing for the fences with them the first time you encounter someone on your sponsors beloved "List of 100." Spend some time with each person you want to sponsor to find out how, specifically, they can benefit from being a part of your network marketing company and use that information to genuinely help them solve the issue that they are concerned with. This method will take some time, but even if they don't sign up, they'll see you as genuinely trying to help them and not as someone to avoid in the future. And, once someone in my warm market says no, I let it go, unless they bring it up again. If their issue you identified doesn't make progress through another route, don't be surprised if you hear from them. But that will only happen if you have approached them in a manner of genuine concern and assistance.
Note from Richard and Glenna:
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
Note from Richard and Glenna:
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

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