By Richard J. Norris
When you enter into a network marketing opportunity, you must sell product in order to receive a paycheck from the company. No product sold, no income from your business. This fact alone is enough to blow those "Is this a pyramid scheme" objection out of the water. Your objective as a network marketer is to move as much product on a monthly basis in order to receive the largest check you possibly can. So, how do you do that?
When you enter into a network marketing opportunity, you must sell product in order to receive a paycheck from the company. No product sold, no income from your business. This fact alone is enough to blow those "Is this a pyramid scheme" objection out of the water. Your objective as a network marketer is to move as much product on a monthly basis in order to receive the largest check you possibly can. So, how do you do that?
Sponsor More Distributors:
As a new business owner in network marketing your first objective should be to learn how to present your company's network marketing opportunity to someone, who like you, are interested in starting a home business. By sponsoring someone else into the business you will build your checks and residual income quickly. When you sponsor someone else you get paid two ways:
You receive a commission on the start-up package that the person you sponsor selects when they get started. This is why it's important for you to select the highest package when you get started, since one of the questions you're most likely get from a prospect is, "What package did you start with." Deciding to go the cheapest route when you join may actually cost you much more in the long run then if you had made the decision to spend a little more up front to come into the business at the upper level. Differences between the packages is primarily the number of products that are included, allowing the new network marketer more to try, sell or give away. So, the larger the start-up package, the more product that is moved and the higher the commission paid to the sponsor.
In order for a business owner in network marketing to keep their home business active and eligible for a commission check, they must maintain a monthly auto-shipment of products (in most companies this will normally be around $100). As the sponsor of another business owner, you receive a commission each month they maintain the auto-ship. This is why, as a sponsor, you should work with anyone you sponsor to get them started in the business correctly and do everything to can to assure they are successful. Part of your residual income from network marketing comes from maintaining those you sponsor in the business.
Product Consumers:
Your second way to move product is to find people who can use the products you have and get them to using them on a regular basis. Let's take a look at how you can find your customers.
Many times you'll find your product users coming from those who decided the business wasn't right for them at the moment, but really like the products and want to use them. Never shut the door on a prospect for the business without talking to them about trying the products.
Just like introducing someone to network marketing, you need to be a problem solver when approaching someone about your products. It makes no sense to give someone a sample of your skin care product if their real problem is a lack of energy or the need to lose ten pounds. I've always found the best way to approach people, especially those you know, is to listen to what they complain about and then, if you have a product that addresses their needs, give them a sample and a simple, "Try this!" They will appreciate your trying to help, and since it's free they will be very likely to try it. This is the way I've signed up most of my product customers, and even a few distributors, just by sharing the products with others. And remember, products you give away are tax deductable, so keep a list.
One of the real advantages of modern day network marketing is that companies have put in place a system that allows products to be shipped directly to the customer, once they've been introduced to them by a distributor. You, the distributor, do not need to pay up front, stock and deliver your products. Your customers are able to login to a website, select and pay for products and then have them shipped directly to them, while you get paid each time they order. These customers can also be placed on auto-ship, just like a distributor, meaning the products come each month unless they cancel.
Sales of products are the life blood of your business, since no sales means no income. Build your network marketing business two ways, by adding new distributors and by introducing your products to a traditional customer base. When customers buy products on a regular basis, generating commissions to you the distributor for your work with them in the past, residual income is created. Build a large enough residual income and you'll have the ability to live your life on your terms.
Note from Richard and Glenna: If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
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