Saturday, October 1, 2011

Recruiting Vs. Sponsoring in Network Marketing

By Richard J. Norris

When it comes to network marketing, there are two types of people building businesses, Recruiters and Sponsors. Now, both can build big businesses, but one stands a better chance of long term success than the other, allowing the home business owner the ability to walk away and enjoy residual income while living the life he or she has worked hard to attain. The other may be forced to continue to constantly work the business, much like a regular job, to keep the income flowing.

Recruiters: Those that I would tend to put into the recruiter category are very successful "sales people", who are great at getting people to join their organization. They may sign up 5 or more a week. The problems with recruiters are that they have the salesman mind and have never really realized that successful network marketing is a "people business." They are so concentrated on where their next signup is coming that they never take the time to stop and really work with those they have already brought into the business. It seems so easy to them that they throw out a few ideas to their signups when they first come in and then leave them on their own without the guidance they need to succeed. Soon, frustration sets in and they decide that network marketing doesn't work and they drop out, leaving the recruiter with a business that is collapsing as fast as he or she is building it. In order to keep the income flowing they get even more determined to sign up more people, perpetuating the cycle, leaving little chance for true, long term residual income.

Sponsors: Sponsors choose to bring a small number of people into their business at one time, usually four to five, and work personally with those individuals to build their businesses down several levels. This personal training and attention does two things:
  1. It encourages members of your business to work with the people they bring in the same manner, assisting them in getting started the right way.
  2. It makes sure that those you sponsor are receiving income from their business, above the cost of their monthly autoship expenses, which means they will not be dropping out and will be excited about seeing their business grow even larger.
Once these sponsors have assisted someone they have brought into their business to develop a network down at least three levels, they are then free to look for someone else to sponsor and train, confident that they have a solid base for their business that will continue to grow and get stronger over time.

Summary: Recruiters will most likely build a large business faster than the sponsor type, but if they ever stop, because of the instability of the large numbers that tend to drop out, they may never be able to reach a point where they can walk away and be assured of a stable, residual income. The sponsor will build their business at a slower pace, but because of the personal training and attention they give those that join their team, insuring that they are making money and following their example and building their organization in a similar manner, they build stability as they grow their business. Eventually they can safely walk away from the business if they choose, knowing that not only will they receive residual income, but that it will most likely continue to grow without them because of the example they have engrained into their organization. You owe it to yourself and those that have put their trust in you and joined your business to be a sponsor, instead of just a recruiter.

If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.

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