By Richard J. Norris
When someone tells them they aren't interested in getting started in their network marketing business, many newbies take it as a personal rejection. While I will tell you that people join people and not businesses, the majority of those that tell you no aren't rejecting you, or your business opportunity, they are in fact rejecting themselves. For one reason or another they have convinced themselves that they just can't do it. There are a number of people in the population that will say "No!," even if you provide them with answers to every question and your presentation is flawless.
When someone tells them they aren't interested in getting started in their network marketing business, many newbies take it as a personal rejection. While I will tell you that people join people and not businesses, the majority of those that tell you no aren't rejecting you, or your business opportunity, they are in fact rejecting themselves. For one reason or another they have convinced themselves that they just can't do it. There are a number of people in the population that will say "No!," even if you provide them with answers to every question and your presentation is flawless.
I don't have time!: This is the one you'll probably hear the most often, and likely to be the one farthest from the truth. The average person in the United States today watches in excess of five hours of television per day, 66% of American homes have three or more televisions and as a nation we watch 250 billion hours of television annually. Do you think there might be a few hours each week that could be devoted toward building a business that has the potential to provide your family with an added income stream? I'm not saying give up television all together, but just a few hours a week dedicated to network marketing can pay big dividends and anyone can find the time if they seriously want to.
I know someone who tried it and failed!: You also most likely know someone who failed high school, college, and quite possible someone who was let go from the company you work for. Using this logic, you should have just given up when each of these events happened as well. Yes, people start network marketing opportunities and aren't successful, just like in any other industry you can point to. It wasn't your high school, college or company that failed, it was the persons you knew who weren't successful who didn't apply themselves, and it's the same in network marketing. If you based doing something, or not doing something, on if someone who tried it before failed, you'd never get out of bed in the morning. Look to people who succeeded at something as your role model for doing it, not someone who failed as a reason not to try.
I'm not a salesperson!: I actually get excited when someone says this, because I'm not looking for salespeople in the traditional sense of the word. Network marketing is a problem solving, people business. Those that are successful are the ones who are willing to listen, take a genuine interest in the person they are talking to about the business or the products and then guide them to seeing how what you're offering can solve the situation they are concerned about. You need caring, not sales, to build a successful business.
I'll do it someday, just not now!: This is probably one of the saddest reasons for not starting a home business, since it most likely means they never will. Most people's lives are full of "someday". Unfortunately, it's more than likely that "someday" will never come. "Someday I'll travel overseas!", "Someday I'll lose weight!", and "Someday I'll build a business of my own!". Forget about someday and concentrate on today. If you see an opportunity as a genuine avenue to change your life, why wait? Do it today, because chances are if you don't, it will never happen!
These are but a few of the reasons someone may give for not getting started in a network marketing business. This isn't the complete list, but it's a good start. If you've looked at starting a business from home and came up with one of these reasons why you didn't, I hope you'll read this and rethink your decision. You have the opportunity to change your life and that of your family if you're serious and approach a home business in a businesslike manner and not as a hobby. If you came up with a reason not on this list I hope this causes you to revisit what it was and determine how legitimate the reason was. I'm not saying that you should just sign up with the first opportunity that presents itself either. If a business wasn't right for you and you passed and are still looking, that's perfectly acceptable. If however, you're waiting for "someday" to come, that's not.
Note from Richard and Glenna: If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
Note from Richard and Glenna: If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.
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