By Richard J. Norris
It's one of the hardest obstacles for those new to network marketing. How do I handle objections from prospects, when I don't know everything yet? Fear of getting the dreaded objection from someone you've introduced to your opportunity is why the phone weighs a ton when it comes time to make that follow-up call and you decide to do something you consider constructive (like rearrange the pencils on your desk) instead.
It's one of the hardest obstacles for those new to network marketing. How do I handle objections from prospects, when I don't know everything yet? Fear of getting the dreaded objection from someone you've introduced to your opportunity is why the phone weighs a ton when it comes time to make that follow-up call and you decide to do something you consider constructive (like rearrange the pencils on your desk) instead.
Let's get straight to it; there's really only one major objection that has to be overcome in order to bring someone into your business, and that's the one you'll get regarding the legitimacy of the network marketing industry itself. Once you get past the questions like, "Isn't this one of those pyramid schemes?", "Don't you have to be at the top to make money?, "Is this legal?", and other similar objections, the rest is very managable. You can become an expert on your company's product line and explain the compensation plan so that anyone can understand exactly how it works, but if you don't get past the basic concern over the industry and the many misconceptions that exist, you'll not build a successful organization. Getting over the objection over network marketing itself is something that needs to be done early in the conversation, and once that's over your prospect will move forward to look at your specific opportunity. That certainly doesn't mean that everyone who has their concern over the industry cleared up will sign up with you, but it will mean that one of their major obstacles to starting a home business in network marketing has been removed and they can give your company a fair look.
You can certainly train yourself in how to address this objection all on your own, or enlist the support of your upline, but I have found that the use of Tim Sale's Brilliant Compensation video to be the single best method for taking this major roadblock completely off the table. Tim does a great job explaining to those that watch the video why network marketing is, legal, a sound business model, and something that can give them the financial freedom they are looking for. This is where I send my prospects first. Once they have seen this, they may have questions, but not objections. And the two are vastly different. In fact, most companies have presentations that can be used to answer all of the questions that a prospect might have regarding your specific business opportunity, but the objection over network marketing must be out of the way first for them to be open to receive the information.
Making a prospect comfortable with the network marketing industry is critical to bringing them into your business. Get good at answering this objection and you are light years ahead of most who struggle to build a business through network marketing.
If you would like to learn more about network marketing and the power it can provide you financially, please view the videos on the right, Brilliant Compensation and What the Wealthy Buy on Payday, and feel free to include your contact information when prompted to do so afterwards and we will be happy to contact you personally regarding the opportunity to get started with ARIIX. If you were sent here by one of our team members, please get back in touch with them and they will make sure you have all your questions regarding getting started with ARIIX answered.answered.

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